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cambodge maternelle

In the wake of the events of 11 March 2016 The kindergarten project within the site of the Angkor temples came to an end thanks to the full support of both joint sheltered Foundations “Heloise Charruau” and “Rue des Iris“.

22 children 4 to 6 years old, living in the surrounding jungle, from extremely poor families, rule of admission to the nursery: income <€ 22 per month per person, attend school for the first time. We thank the donors who have supported us in this work.

This is the first “promotion” of the kindergarten:

The building is very sober adapted to harsh climatic conditions of the place

cambodge maternelle
IMG web

We discover a completely open structure along which to place protective blinds against the stormy monsoon rains. The children, all in uniform, wearing their identity badges, squatted barefoot on mats and left their shoes outside as is the Khmer tradition. The only furniture is that of the teacher. One sign children’s picture. They are just learning the symbols of Khmer writing:

IMG web

Here is the new mother of Bayon in action:

However, the children attending this kindergarten did not stay there! The school Bayon now covers the entire spectrum of the Khmer curriculum to vocational training mainly focused on the art of baking and pastry, including French popular with tourists visiting the Angkor temples (4 million visitors per year)

 To learn more about the school Bayon


 To discover the ancient Khmer civilization
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