Adele House

Work completed at the end of 2014

Acting for the education of young Indian women

Home of street children

Héloïse, angel of the Adele House
Partnership with the Marianist Foundation

On December 3, 2006, the first community of Marianist sisters settled in India: an Italian sister, a Spanish sister and two Korean sisters moved to Ranchi (State of Jharkhand) on the feast of St. Francis Xavier.
The sisters had to create an association of social character EYES (Education, Yielding, Empowerment and Self-help1) which spread its wings in a nearby house rented by the sisters.
The support of Cardinal Toppo will be decisive in enabling the Sisters to develop their mission to serve young girls and young women in difficulty.
initially, they set up a small dispensary to care for children and their families, favoring out-of-school children.
Based on their experience, the sisters set a clear goal for their project: they want to welcome young girls from 14 to 20 years of age, adolescents coming from the vast neighboring shantytowns to give them “training to become Responsible for its future “(” EYES “).
The students regularly attend classes with a small degree and a sewing machine which they pay only half the value and make candles and incense sold to many religious communities and even to the “priestess” A Hindu temple.