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fondation heloise charruau enfants indonesie

In the wake of Indonesia news: Fighting against the unhealthiness of a children’s home in Bintan Island: April 18, 2016, the Foyer of children “Asmara Santo Tarsisius so unhealthy, located in the island Bintan, has been completely renovated May-August 2016 with support from the Heloise Charruau Foundation. There have been real changes and not only material! The children’s attitude has also evolved and positive! During their discovery of the new premises, the children who were completely demotivated the previous year, warmly expressed their joy and motivation for a new future in the Foyer “Asmara” with confidence. They even decided to take a video (in English) for their discovery of the new premises to thank the Foundation and bring donors in their prayersExplosion of joy of children at Foyer Asmara Santo Tarsisius renovated;


Letter of thanks from the organization managing the Foyer:

fondation heloise charruau indonesie
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